• With startling statistics claiming that one if three women has experienced sexual abuse, the need for successful intervention is great. Restoration: Beauty from Ashes is designed to help women who are currently stable but need extra encouragement and healing from the aftereffects of sexual abuse. It is always encouraged for women that have experienced sexual abuse to seek the services of a licensed professional counselor. However, some women will need additional support once that individual therapy is complete or after many years have passed since the trauma occurred. Some women who have experienced sexual abuse in their past have been walking wounded for many years. They may continue to meet their daily responsibilities in a career, schooling, as a wife or mom, and other avenues, but deep inside, they still struggle with what feels like shameful secrets, feeling life is less than they could be.

    Restoration clearly states that there is never a time when a victim of sexual abuse holds any responsibility for the crime done against them. However, pursuit of healing is their responsibility. Restoration: Beauty from Ashes is a wonderful program that can help women experience God’s healing from sexual abuse.

  • Restoration: Beauty From Ashes is an eleven lesson study intended to be navigated with a small group and in lesson sequence. However, if a woman is not able to journey with a small group of women, then she is welcome to study on her own. Videos will include personal examples/testimonies from other women who have attended Restoration. The best way for any woman to complete this study (small groups and individuals) is to purchase both the workbook and the video access. The workbook includes eleven chapters with pages to record group notes from the video lessons and pages of journalling/homework to complete on her own. Each lesson with homework is vital to the Restoration journey.

  • At this time, shipping costs are passed on directly to the customer through UPS ground with the exception of shipping one workbook that can be sent via USPS media mail (which could take 7-14 days but offers a significant savings). UPS ground typically takes 2-5 days depending on the distance needed for transport.

    International Shipping is not currently available on the website, but please email shipping@restorationbfa.org to ask for a shipping quote/options for shipping internationally (please include the number of workbook journals that you intend to purchase).

  • Restoration: Beauty from Ashes was written by a licensed therapist, Diane Tuttle, who is passionate about God’s Word and His ability to supernaturally heal. A leader of Restoration: Beauty From Ashes should be a woman who is a dedicated follower of Christ who desires growth and healing in the lives of other women as well as themselves. A leaders guide of nearly 60 pages is available as a free download in the video section to help anyone who is interested in starting/leading a Restoration study.

  • The homework in the workbook journal will take about an hour to complete each week. The homework could potentially be the most important part of the Restoration process, as it is a time to quiet yourself before God, study His word, and listen for His guidance to bring healing. Although most women are very busy, is vital to find time when you are rested and able to focus on your healing journey with God.

  • If you have already purchased a video curriculum subscription, CLICK HERE and login using the credentials you made at the time of purchase.

    You can also navigate to this page by clicking on the “BFA On Demand” link in the website header.

  • Lesson videos for purchase can be located in the “BFA On Demand” tab. Restoration Ministries utilizes the honor system, so please choose the appropriate purchase level.


    1. One woman completing the study in her HOME with no more than 2 friends.

    2. Church/Agency/Organization hosting this event in a public event space.

    *Please do NOT share log-in credentials.

  • All women who desire to experience God’s healing in their lives from past sexual abuse are encouraged to participate. Sexual abuse comes in many forms including verbal, visual, and physical abuse (such as inappropriate touch and rape). Sexual abuse can be a one-time event or a progression over many years. A woman can be sexually harmed by a friend, family member, husband, or a complete stranger. While there is no checklist to define the perfect person to participate in a Restoration study, a woman should be mentally strong, be open and honest about her struggles, and ready for healing to occur.

    Restoration is not a substitute for professional counseling. It is not recommended for a woman who has experienced sexual abuse within the past 12 months or continues to be in a sexually abusive relationship.

    Organizations should utilize a screening process for the purpose of keeping participants safe and secure.

    More information and guidelines can be found in other FAQ’s or in the free downloadable Leader’s guide located within the Contact or BFA on Demand web pages.

  • Struggles from past sexual abuse occur in many areas of a woman's life. These affects may be manifested physically, emotionally, socially, sexually, and spiritually. It is not uncommon for a woman who has experienced sexual abuse to struggle with: shame, low self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep disturbances, eating disorders/struggles, substance/alcohol abuse, difficulty concentrating, feeling helpless or hopeless, experiencing flashbacks, impaired memory, fear of trust, depression, struggling relationships both romantic and familial, suicidal thoughts, nightmares, easily angered, guilt, and fear to name a few from a very long list.

  • Some of the topics include investigating truth, the importance of boundaries, anxiety, fear, guilt, anger, grief, hope, joy, thriving relationships, having vision, healthy sexuality, and soul care.

  • The most eye opening statistic is that by the age of 25, one in three women will have experienced sexual abuse. This statistic alone should be the reason for churches to provide the Restoration program with hope of bringing God’s healing to women that are walking wounded. So many of these women desperately want to be all that God wants them to be but find themselves paralyzed or trapped with struggles as a result of past sexual abuse.

    There is no problem in starting small, with 4-6 women; in fact, we encourage it. Starting small will help a few women navigate the ministry in hopes of expanding as God provides. Having a willing leader with a few women ready to experience the first session of the study would be helpful as well.

  • Once you have secured a location and approval from an organization to host a Restoration group, it is important to announce the group in a confidential manner. No details of time or location should be included in the announcement. Registration should include a woman’s name, phone number, email, and a time to call her for a brief screening to ensure that she will be a good fit for the study before details are shared.

    Choose a meeting time to meet that will allow for two hours of non-interruption and in a place that does not draw a lot of attention.

  • Respect and confidentiality are important factors when announcing a Restoration ministry. Women who have experienced sexual abuse can be harmed by embarrassing announcements or lack of privacy. A general overview of the group can be published and announced. No details of meeting time or location should be given in any form such as emails, social media, or in-service announcements.

    Registration should only include basic contact information. A brief screening phone call will give women an opportunity ask questions. The purpose of this initial phone call will also ensure that a woman will be a good fit prior to specific details being given. More on screening group attendees in other FAQ’s or in the Leader’s Guide.

  • It is not uncommon for most women to know 2-3 other women who have experienced sexual abuse; these women would be the obvious choice to invite. If this is not the case, but you would like to do the study with other hurting women, you could start letting your friends or other ministry leaders know that you are seeking women to walk with you on this journey. They would not necessarily make a big announcement but if they knew confidentially of a woman who has experienced sexual abuse, they could let her know that someone is starting a group if she would be interested. Have them give these women your contact information (not the other way around) for her to reach out to you for more information. The same process of screening women before giving details would apply.

    Due to the fact that confidentiality is of utmost importance, no family members of roommates should be present in the home during group sessions (this would include young children).

  • Meetings should be scheduled for two hours. Be sure to start and end on time. This honors the women who attend, providing the best possible outcomes.

    The first 55 minutes would include time for small groups to review the homework (½ time on the chapter review/dig deeper questions and ½ time reviewing the Scripture Reflection). Following a five minute break, the video lesson can begin. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long with built-in time to complete group experiences, leaving a short time for small group discussion and encouragement.

  • As previously mentioned, it is VITAL that all women who register receive a phone call for a brief screening. DO NOT SKIP this step. This is for the purpose of keeping all women safe and secure, both individually and as a group. It is best to text a woman’s phone woman prior to making the initial call, so that she knows who is calling and can make plans to have a focused call when it is convenient for her to do so.

    The caller should have a simple introduction with some chit-chat to put the recipient at ease. The caller can then share for a few minutes generalities of the group explaining that the group does not focus on the abuse itself but instead discusses the struggles left behind. The caller might also like to share some of the lesson topics and some of the healing journeys that she has witnessed in Restoration. Be careful not to share anything that would identify another woman or break confidentiality. The caller can share some of her story and personal struggles if she would like.

    It would then be important for the caller to ask the woman if she can identify with anything that she has just shared. If she is willing, the caller should ask the woman to share part of her abuse story. Typically if a woman is able to share some of her story along with her struggles, she is most likely ready to attend a Restoration group.

    Approval for participation should not be given if the woman is unable to share any of her story or is constantly crying. In addition, if a woman is currently being abused or has been abused within the last year, then the caller should very gently encourage the woman to seek professional care under a licensed therapist prior to attending a Restoration group. If a woman discloses that she is already under the care of a therapist, she should be encouraged to acquire her therapist’s permission before attending.

  • It is recommended that anyone desiring to start a Restoration group go through a complete session before leading a group. Obviously, the very first round that is hosted will not have this luxury. Whoever decides to be the initial small group leader should make it very clear that this is a new journey for her as well.

    Following this inaugural session as God brings healing to many women, some will emerge as natural small group leaders. Part of the healing process is desiring other women experience God’s healing as well. A woman may desire to share her experience of what God has done in her life to help other hurting women.

    Some women may ask to be small group leaders, while others who are shy or hesitant to lead may be honored to help if asked. God always provides.

    Please note that you may receive unsolicited offers of women wanting to be small group leaders who have not attended Restoration. It is best to follow the requirement that all small group leaders complete a session before they can serve as leaders.

  • The Restoration Leader's Guide can be found under the Contact tab, with a link to view/print as a pdf. Click on (free download).

  • On the Threshold of Hope by Dr. Diane Langberg

    When a Woman You Love Was Abused by Dawn Scott Jones

  • First and foremost, please pray that God will continue to guide and direct the ministry and its founder Diane. The Restoration Ministry was started and funded by Diane, so it continues to be her heart’s desire to follow God as He leads. Diane is stepping out in faith in this online presence and with the finances to keep it active. Encouraging churches, organizations, and agencies to support the ministry by purchasing an entire year’s video on demand access is very helpful in keeping the ministry active and financially secure with the hope of funding professional videos in the future.

    Another goal of the ministry is to provide an online option to purchase a workbook journal for a woman in need. Non-profit agencies will be able to apply to receive these donated books–stay tuned for updates on this exciting opportunity.

  • Yes, Diane is a licensed therapist and seminary graduate, who is determined to fulfill God’s calling on her life to help hurting people. If you are interested in having her speak at your next event and wish to discuss speaking topics and fees, please email her at diane@restorationbfa.org