Restoration Resources

The Restoration Program is designed ideally to be used in a group setting, so that women can be encouraged to walk with other women who have experienced the similar pain of abuse and who desire to heal from the awful aftereffects. However, we recognize that some women are not currently in a position to meet in a group setting, so walking through the Restoration program in the privacy of her own home can also be accomplished through the materials found on this website.

The program includes the workbook journal and the videos. The workbook journal will be your personal guide through each of the eleven weekly sessions. Ideally, one hour a week should be set aside to complete the homework, as well as another 2 hours if meeting in a group setting, or 45 minutes if completing at home as an individual to view the videos.

On Demand Video Curriculum

The Restoration: Beauty From Ashes Video Curriculum is a collection of 11 sessions, each about 45 minutes in length. These sessions will allow you to view them as an individual or as a group. Options are available to rent for six months as an individual or to rent for six months as a group.

A message from our Founder, Diane Tuttle

6 Months On Demand: Small Groups
One time

Stream videos on demand unlimited for 6 months; intended for small groups, meeting in homes, 1-3 people max.

6 Months On Demand: Large Groups
One time

Stream videos on demand unlimited for 6 months; intended for large groups, 4 or more people meeting in churches, agencies, and organizations.