Please check back frequently for a weekly blog which will offer encouragement to sexual abuse survivors as well as provide insight and information to Restoration group leaders.

Time To Take A Personal Inventory
Diane Tuttle Diane Tuttle

Time To Take A Personal Inventory

According to the World Health Organization, one out of every three women will experience sexual abuse.1  If this statistic is not shocking and devastating to you, check to see if you have a pulse and/or a heart. All women deserve the right to safety and to live in peace without crimes done to them. However, this is not the world we live in. As if the criminal act of sexual abuse was not bad enough, lasting pain and wounds commonly linger throughout a woman’s life. Women who have experienced such horrific trauma need to take an inventory of what remains. This inventory should include struggles, trauma responses, and limitations.

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It’s Never Too Late to Exchange For Something Better
Diane Tuttle Diane Tuttle

It’s Never Too Late to Exchange For Something Better

Attention Shoppers: Always check the return policy when making a purchase. Read the fine print at the checkout register or on your receipt to determine if you can exchange an item that is not perfectly suited for you. This is a good reminder for all of us. Maybe you have purchased something, only to bring it home, realizing it really wasn’t a good fit for you. Maybe you thought about exchanging for something more suitable, only to procrastinate, make excuses, or miss the window of return? Perhaps you were just too busy doing more important things than to take time to exchange it. Maybe you told yourself, “it’s not that bad,” only later to regret keeping it. If you have experienced sexual abuse, what is keeping you from exchanging your sorrow, your hurt, your shame for something better?

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Give It Back!
Diane Tuttle Diane Tuttle

Give It Back!

Are you or a woman you care for hurting with having so much taken away as a result of sexual abuse? God promises to take care of you. He might lead you into the desert and perhaps He already has, but He will speak tenderly to you there and will restore you with HOPE and HEALING. So many women who have experienced this hope and healing through a Restoration group have shared with me how God spoke to them so tenderly and so specifically to their needs. Instead of shouting, “GIVE IT BACK,” ask God to restore you!

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God calls me His Child
Jessi Jessi

God calls me His Child

I would love to tell you that I had a wonderful childhood full of love and amazing experiences—full of princesses and tea parties, but that would not be the truth. My childhood was quite the opposite, as I experienced physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual abuse. The incidents were many, and I felt like damaged goods.

I had so many dark and shameful secrets.

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